love lost

Published on 14 January 2023 at 19:34


Love that is lost teaches us that love can be found. It teaches us repeatedly what pain is. But it never teaches us what to do with the pain. Love can’t cover that up. The punch of pain from someone you love hurting you hits way harder than someone you don’t love hurting you. You never expect it from someone you love… it literally Knocks the breath right out of you, leaving you almost nauseated… Some people rather go without loving or being loved In life and that is due to significant heartache and failure with everything they have ever tried to love. Loving people is easy, getting them to love you is what’s hard.. no matter how hard you try, no matter how faithful you’ve been, it doesn’t matter because at the end of each day you can’t force things to work and you can’t make people love you. It will hurt like hell but close those chapters that are no longer bearing good fruit. The ones who make you lie awake at night wondering why you aren’t enough. Let that shit go….


Sincerely a girl who can’t take her own advice. 


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